Well, it was a definate yes to the colour swap.
Thank You for helping me out by voting!!
So...who wants to take part in the.......
Rules...so to speak.....are:
1) Let me know your current favourite colour when you leave a comment to say 'count me in' for the swap.
2) You will send 5 items to your partner..themed round their fave colour.
3) At least 1 handmade item, the others could be thrifted or bought.
4) Post so that your partner recieves by 31st March 2010.
5) Open to oversea's bloggers too, so please also let me know if you are not able to send overseas, so I can work this when sorting partners.
6) Pop the 'colour swap' button on your blog.
Leave me a comment on this post before next Monday, the 22nd, when I'll put your names in a hat and partner you up!!!
Hope everyone who celebrates had a good Valentine's Day. We don't indulge chez dollop, but I did buy a packet of heart shaped jellies which I shared with lovely husband...well I say shared....he had 1 or 2 ;)
It is half term in these here parts of the country, I like to start the week with a pyjama morning, doing not much at all...but it hasn't been too relaxing so far!!! Hope its not going to be a long week!!
I have taxi duties to perform this morning but this afternoon is all about me and my sewing machine, I have a little something to finish for Lissy and more string patches...
After laying them out on my large dining table, we discovered that I need 21 more to have enough for a small quilt for the sofa!!! Good job they are quick, fun and addictive to do!!
Ohhhhh can i come and play please :-) - red is my fav colour at the moment, i would be happy to post internationally :-) - off to work out how to put a link in my sidebar...............
count me in please.....hmmmm which colour??pink...... white is my favourite, but i've already done a colour swap with white so i think i'll go for pink please xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Count me in :)
Jess says I have to go with pink, maybe she's hoping for something herself 'hehe'
B xxx
I would love to join in please. I'm torn colourwise....oooh, red please. ;-) xx
Hmmmm yes please loverly, think you may know which colour tickles my fancy but if you don't, tis pretty pink :0)
Happy to post overseas :0)
I'd love to give it a go please! My favourite colour is green.
Please count me in aswell, flowers, spots, checks....pink please Lucey xx
Count me in please Claire ..... green for me and what a fab closing date .... means I will get an extra surprise on a special day x
If someone doesn't mind waiting until mid-April for their swap (that will give me a couple of weeks when I come back from holiday) then I would love to take part. Be good to know the colour before I go though so I can have a look in NZ for some fab fabric!
Blue is my favourite colour! ;-)
Ooo, yes please. This would be my first swap though so am very nervous. My favourite colour is green.
Rachael XX
Thanks for the quilty comment, glad it looks manly hehe! Please count me in for the swap my colour is PINK :) and I'd prefer to stick to a UK partner if thats ok.
count me in my favourite co;our is red. will try to work out how to put the link on my sidebare, I am new at this
Yes please, count me in (but would prefer UK please). My favourite colour is blue,
oooo just come past your blog! i do love this idea- count me in...do u mind if i have u.k partner thank you? my fav colour is red at the moment- lovely blog by the way xxxx kazzy xxxxx
Me too, I love Green or Pink
Count me in too! Now have 2 swaps next month so better get sewing! My favourite colour is blue.
Oh yes please - a UK partner if poss.
Favourite colour - red, then green, then pink!!
I would like to take part as well my favourite colour is: Purple
also don't mind sending international as long as my partner is international as well makes it fare on postage
Saw your swap mentioned on English Teacup (we met through a swap last year!) and I would love to play! I live in the NW U.S., can ship anywhere and my favorite color is red.
And I love your cheery quilt! :)
count me in please - fave colour would be bright green x
I'm in! Which colour to choose, aargh, is so hard! Think I will go with purple, as there are so many pinks already! Am happy to post internationally too.
Rachel xx
count me in please, my favourite colour is pink and I don't mind posting internationally.
Take care
I'm definatly interested in a swap, count me in.
My Fav colour is Pink too im afraide!!
Luv Sophie xxx
Ohooo and pretty please as there are so many pink gals taking part can I please make for someone who wants pink, as I only have pink fabric in me stash, well almost ;)
I discovered your swap through Shannon. I would love to be counted in - I live in NW United States and will ship anywhere. My favorite color is red.
I would love to join. I would like purple. Thanks.
I just came across your blog and love the things you've created!
I'd love to play along! What a fun idea for a swap :)
My current favorite colors include pinks and greens and I am happy to send anywhere in the world!
I think I have 21 more to do as well. Mine don't seem to be so quick! Looking very, very lovely and pretty. Well done!
Oh Claire could I really do another swap? I'm still in the middle of one now. I didn't even check the finishing date! Oooh I'll have a think and get back to you.
what a wonderful idea!
my favorite colour is pink (I am also partial to brown)
Count me in! I'm super excited- I can never do to many swaps!
My favorite color is yellow...any shade.
Oh, I'm fine with shipping internationally.
Thank you for hosting!
Count me in please. This is such a great idea, thank you for organizing the colour swap. I am very new to the crafting community and this is my very first event. I have plucked up a little bit of courage to join in the fun..
Hi, have just found you from Sew Scrumptious. I would love to take part, my fav colours are purple and green. Happy to post anywhere.
Would like to participate, but can't ship overseas. My color is PINK!
count me in please - my favourite colour is green and i can ship overseas too
thanks for organising this
Hi, this will be my first swap - how exciting! My fav colour is purple please, looking forward to hearing who my swap partner is :-)
Hello..I found you through Lemonade Kitty's blog. I would love to join in on the fun. I am in the US. My favorite color is pink. I am most happy to be paired up with an international partner!! :-)
Count me in too, please! Have not done a swap before, but would love to have a go ... anything in denim blue! xoxo (loving the patchwork, too!).
Oh my first swap - UK only please.
Favourite colour green.
Hi Anilla
I cannot access your blogger profile.
Can you enable your blogger account?
Sorry Claire- I have no idea how to do a blogger profile! Am new to this, but definitely want to do the swap. Can you tell me how to set up the profile?
Red is my favourite colour, and would prefer to stick to UK swaps at the moment!
Can I join in too please. Favourite colour is mint green. I would like to stay within UK and Europe. Thankyou.
Can I join too? I'd prefer UK only please and my favourite colour is orange!
I'd definitely like to take part! Favorite color is teal, although I won't be able to send anything internationally.
I'd like to swap too - I'm in the US, that ok?
myfamilyeatswiththeirhands {AT!} gmail {DOT} com
Fav color - green
What a lovely idea, is it too late to join in?
My current favourite colour is pale blue.
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