....can't wait!!!
To the cinema.....to see a film with more than a PG rating.....woo hoo!!
....can't wait!!!
To the cinema.....to see a film with more than a PG rating.....woo hoo!!
1 What were you doing 10 years ago:
I was 25 and had a just 3 year old and a 6month baby - fast forward 10years and I have a 3yr old and an almost 6month baby again!! :) Who says life never moves forward!!
2. 5 things on my to do list todayPaint shelf unit, corner cupboard, stool or sideboard, well at least start the sanding (I have so many things I want to do but not enough hours!)
Pick up 2 wicker dining chairs from a lovely lady I've met before on freecycle. (OH not aware of this yet sshh!!)
Pack to go up to my parents for half term.
Wash the case of minging stuff eldest has brought back from school holiday.
Have a think about what I will make for a crafty swap over on the shabby chic forum - strawberries and cream theme - i know what I'd like to make but my swap partner would probably think one of the boys had done it!!!
3,Snacks I enjoy
Ooh cruel! I am on a diet! So at the minute its fat free yoghurt and bananas!! But...chocolate - any variety, crisps - walkers preferably marmite but any really, cake (oh man I love de cake!!), biscuits especially shortbread - -can you see whyI need to diet!!!
4. Things I would do if I were a millionaire
Private education for my 10yr old - there is no provision for clever but different in state schools - he is at a good school and is still being let down by the system.
Buy a rambling old farmhouse with a walled kitchen garden and have chickens!
Share some!
Start up a bead and button business! I like frivolous prettiness!
Boob uplift (feeding 4 babies has taken its toll!) ;) and tummy tuck (ditto!) - I'm very shallow, sorry!!
5. Places I have lived
My dad was in the RAF so lived Lincolnshire, Bucks, Leicestershire before moving to South Yorkshire at 10, then Middlesex, Norfolk and now Suffolk!
Now I have to tag others so
(I promise it is not as wonky as this picture looks!!)
Yes, my fashion conscious, Kaiser Chief and Gavin and Stacey loving boy wanted a replica of his brothers 2nd birthday cake from last year!! And a 'party food' tea. No my space advertised - parents house trashing party for him! I am blessed.
Don't get me wrong he is definately not a Stepford child - he could argue that black is white, and we often do!!! He always has to have the last word, couldn't find the dishwasher if I put a neon sign on it and he thinks I am a terrible mum because I won't let him have a Grand Theft Auto game for his birthday!!!
But he is also a polite, helpful, grateful boy who is a fantastic son and big brother...long may it continue. Love you tons ally pants xx
It needs a bit(!!) of a sand and wax but will make a great desk/sewing table in my soon (i hope!) to be finished work/guest room! For the princely sum of £4.99!!
The number of outstanding projects here chez dolly is reaching double figures - I have been asked to not buy any more furniture. I said of course, but luckily I had already collected this:
And had already won this (so of course I have to pick it up!!!)