Sunday, 28 December 2008
normal service will resume shortly....
The holidays are going by so quickly and we still have guests so I am struggling to get online as much as I'd like, and as for taking pics - I'm getting funny looks when I want to take photos of my presents or my lovely laid table!!!
So normal service will resume soon - I'll probably still be posting about Christmas at Easter!!
But I just want to mention CK before I go.....I was looking forward to the online sale after receiving a mini sale here comes the moan....when I went online things were different prices (higher) to the catalogue I received and all the Christmas things were still full price...why?? It was the 27th of December!! I live a trillion miles from a CK shop or outlet and although I received some fabulous Cath goodies as gifts, I was hoping for some post christmas treats too....... looks like Laura Ashley will get my christmas money - at least when they have a sale they do it properly!!!
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Happy Christmas

Tomorrow I shall start the cooking, and take the boys to the christingle service in the afternoon, but Christmas has arrived chez dollop! Time for relaxing and celebrating our family xx
So I shall wish everybody a Happy Christmas - thats you my new bloggy friends - and I hope to be back posting soon with lots of Christmas celebratory pics :)

Monday, 22 December 2008
tree #2
Thursday, 18 December 2008
An Award

Sunday, 14 December 2008
O Christmas Tree...
Thursday, 11 December 2008
And for some reason, this is the only pic of the hallway pre being done...which doesn't show you much - apart from the dark spindles and staircases and bare wood cupboards (built 2 christmases ago!!).
A tiffany lamp on the built in shelves, and something you may recognise Mary Poppins :)
The light fittings were from Next. I wanted chandeliers but the height was an issue as the other half is 6ft 2 and didn't fancy clonking his head every time he walked through - to be honest I probably wouldn't have let this minor detail stop me getting chandeliers had the coat cupboard not been able to open out!!
Like I say still bits to make it more homely, but I'm loving it. The CK paper still makes me swoon when I walk through the hall!!
And here it is with its Christmas finery on.... (baubles from lidl hung with gingham ribbon and bunting was extravagantly from Laura Ashley)
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
christmas decs part 1
I have noticed one of the boys cutesy snow shakers has sneaked onto my fire surround!! I shall have to take pics at night - it looks so much better!!
Monday, 8 December 2008
Sunday Post - Cosy Night In!
I got a gorgeous mug (which looks like a wooly jumper and my 11 year old has decided is perfect for his hot choc with cream and marshmallows!), with my favourite...shortbread biscuits. Some cute notecards, a fab Marian Keyes book (one of my faves...and its short stories too - perfect for my full head and short attention span at this time of year lol!!), a cute Christmas candle and one of Lacey's famous fabric buckets.
I can't begin to tell you how desperate I was for Caroline to make me one of these (I very nearly asked her...twice!!!), so thank you again for a really lovely swap. Xx And thanks to Mel for organising it (whens the next one!!!)
Apart from opening pressies this weekend, I made a start on putting up the trimmings...I am from the less is more school of decorating for Christmas, so I haven't gone mad!! Trees are not yet purchased, they will have to wait until next weekend, we ran out of time.
When I went through the boxes of Christmas decs, I realised that I had sorted out last year and condensed them down to the ones I put glad I did that, it made life easier. But I had a box of cute santa ornaments and similar that over the years the boys have chosen for me when they have been out with my, I didn't want to put these out on MY mantels(harsh I know!) so they are now on the playroom mantel with my new knitted nativity!!
(mantel - mantle???neither look right!!!)
Mary and Joseph immortalised in stiches!! I'd love to say I knitted these myself (as when I got the pattern was my intention...!)but it was quicker and less painful for my mother in law to knit them for me!!
I'm hoping for more time for blog posting this week - I have some pics of my new hallway to share...and more pics of my Christmas decs (bit more tasteful than the playroom ones!!)