Tuesday, 30 September 2008
30 days of September

Monday, 29 September 2008
Paper Bags

I had been thinking about how it would be great to make some gift bags...so I decided to look into it when I got the magazine.
Thing is - I'm a bit cack handed and I need the idiots guide to folding a paper gift bag - which I cannot source online...so here's where you come in :)
Can anyone point me in the right direction - book, link, anything!
I've found this...and this...neither are what I really need, (well the 1st one is exactly the type of bag I want to make but without the techy bit!!) so any help would be gratefully received.
Sunday, 28 September 2008
Sunday Sewing
Saturday, 27 September 2008
Something in the woodshed
Friday, 26 September 2008
2nd Post
So...you can see my Christmas shopping instead!!
From The Book People - cheap as chips books.

All between £2.99 and £3.99.
Its never too early to start your christmas shopping!! 3 months today and it'll all be over!!!!
Thursday, 25 September 2008
Bake Day

Wednesday, 24 September 2008
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
Keeping Warm
I read somewhere that fir cones make good fire lighters (correct me please if I'm wrong..) so before the rain came this morning we went to the park across the road to fill our bucket in readiness for when the fire starts being lit again.
Someone was watching us.....
See our 'posh' logs next to the burner - the other half is very precious about his nice logs!!!
But the fire in the front (best!) room is swept - my ex husband and other half are sorting out a delivery of logs for the end of the week (we are sharing a truck full!).
So we are ready to be warm - next stop making sure we have enough blankets!!Monday, 22 September 2008
In the toilets at the junior farm yesterday...
cam: you not got dinkle mummy?
me: no, girls and mummies don't have a dinkle.
cam: just little boys and big boys and daddies?
me: thats right.
cam: little boys and big boys have little dinkles and daddies have big dinkles?
(didn't want to shatter his whole world at such a tender age (!!) so....
me: something like that sweetie :)
cam: you should get a dinkle, they're good...
me: oh yes - whys that?
cam: well then you can do standing up wee wees and sitting down wee wees!!
So thats whats been missing from my life!!
And this little tale is now in cyberspace for ever!!
Just in case I ever forget it!!!
Saturday, 20 September 2008
more swap loveliness
I shall be posting my package to Mary on Monday, just a bit of handsewing to do then all finished!
Ooh, nearly forgot! I've sold one of my brooches...my friend wanted one for her friends birthday, it feels good to think that somebody likes my handiwork enough to pay real money for...but I found the pricing a bit, well very, awkward....I think if I was selling at a fair I'd find it easier, but I found it difficult to cost in my time as at the minute I'm doing it for sport!! I suppose like everything, it will get easier if I make another sale!!
Thursday, 18 September 2008
Autumn Fruit Crumble
Yesterdays walk didn't bring the yield of berries I hoped for, so when we got home we had to improvise for the crumble (or pie if you are 3!).
I stewed the berries with 2 manky apples that were hiding in the bottom of the fruit bowl and some plums and a cinnamon stick. Then I found a tin of blackcurrants in the cupboard (why did I buy them?? What was I going to use them for??), they were dated June 08 but I thought I'd live dangerously and whack them in anyway!
My glamorous assistant made the crumble mix.
Et voila...
Autumn Crumble for daddy.
blackberry picking in the sun
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
1) You do not make a 'rod for your own back' by bringing your babies into your bed in the night.
(it makes breastfeeding a doddle, your child will not be 13 and still in your bed and best of all....it means you get sleep!!)
2) You do not need to buy a moses basket (see above), or a swinging crib - even though they do look beautiful. You only have to offload them in as new condition a few months later.
3) It really doesn't matter if little johnny at toddler group could do back crawl and read at 6 weeks old and your baby just sits there like a pudding......little johnny is probably not as easy on the eye as your treasure anyway :)!!!
4) Your baby will not be hospitalised if it eats a scrap of breadstick/biscuit/rice cake off the floor - in fact it can only be beneficial to their immune system.
5) Ditto if you don't bath them every night - a flick with a flannel suffices :).
6) Ditto if you only baby wipe the sick off their clothes instead of changing them.
7) Just because your baby ate it...doesn't mean your toddler will. Just because they liked it a fortnight ago...doesn't mean they will eat it today, even if you have been in the kitchen 2 hours making it (see number10!!!).
8) You do not need to buy your baby toys - a box, a door to open and close, a plastic drinks bottle filled with pasta, all of these are preferable to baby instead of the £30 worth of musical plastic you think they will love.
9) It is doubtful that your baby will be in a routine by 6 weeks.
10) If you feed your children weetabix for tea - they think its an adventure - not that they have an idle mother :).
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
Autumn Swap

Monday, 15 September 2008
Vintage Book

Sunday, 14 September 2008

These smallpeople arrived at our house yesterday, all the way from marianne in Australia. I want to get them framed for my dining room, but that job is on the 'to do' list.

Saturday, 13 September 2008

Friday, 12 September 2008
Thursday, 11 September 2008
Wednesday, 10 September 2008
I am passionate about breastfeeding, I believe everybody should and can (with the right support) breastfeed. Breastmilk, imo, is as vital, no - more so, as the innoculations most of us take our babies for. But other peoples breast milk......I repeat YAK!!
There is no way I would let one of my babies suck on another womans breast - not ever.
There is no way I could have another womans baby sucking on mine!
This programme has put the promotion of breastfeeding back by a gazillion years! Taking an extreme (again if you feel I'm wrong - sorry I don't feel wrong!!) just promotes breastfeeding as UNnatural and weird which it isn't.
That said, if I had a prem baby and I was in a coma (for example!!) then I would prefer they got some breast milk - expressed and donated though please! And I would be happy to donate my own for neonatal care (I say this quickly and quietly cos I find pumping very ouchy!!)
But bravo Channel 4 and Kate Garroway for drawing our attention to the subject - its nice to learn new things isn't it??!!?? I think with this topic - ignorance is bliss :)
Tuesday, 9 September 2008
Monday, 8 September 2008
In Print
And I'd be doing my housework right now if I had pretty dusters like this!! Not quite the same to chop up flannelette jim jams with cars and planes on!!
Or perhaps I'd just be looking at the loveliness and doing just as little!!!